🌿 難度:Easy
🌿 題目
We are playing the Guess Game. The game is as follows:
我在 1 到 n 中選定一個數字,你必須猜中我所指定的數字。
I pick a number from 1 to n. You have to guess which number I picked.
Every time you guess wrong, I will tell you whether the number I picked is higher or lower than your guess.
你將呼叫一個預定義的整數猜測 API(整數),此 API 會回傳三種結果
- -1: 你猜的數字高於指定數字
- 1: 你猜的數字低於指定數字
- 0: 你猜的數字等於指定數字
You call a pre-defined API int guess(int num), which returns three possible results:
-1: Your guess is higher than the number I picked (i.e. num > pick).
1: Your guess is lower than the number I picked (i.e. num < pick).
0: your guess is equal to the number I picked (i.e. num == pick).
Return the number that I picked.
- 1 <= n <= $2^{31}$ - 1
- 1 <= pick <= n
1 <= n <= $2^{31}$ - 1
1 <= pick <= n
Example 1:
Input: n = 10, pick = 6
Output: 6
Example 2:
Input: n = 1, pick = 1
Output: 1
Example 3:
Input: n = 2, pick = 1
Output: 1
🌿 解題
* Forward declaration of guess API.
* @param {number} num your guess
* @return -1 if num is higher than the picked number
* 1 if num is lower than the picked number
* otherwise return 0
* var guess = function(num) {}
* @param {number} n
* @return {number}
var guessNumber = function(n) {
let start = 1;
let end = n;
while(start <= end) {
let mid = start + Math.floor((end-start)/2)
if (guess(mid) === 0){
return mid
} else if(guess(mid) === 1) {
start = mid+1
} else {
end = mid-1
🌿 參考資料
cover: Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash